Hack On At Hackathons

26 Aug 2016

I recently participated in NerdWallet’s quarterly hackathon and built a tool to help consumers figure out exactly how much they would be spending each month on a new car they are planning on buying, so they can budget appropriately. I’ve participated in PennApps (a college hackathon) before, but never a company hackathon before, and I found the experience extremely enriching and fun! I think it’s something every employee should take part in if its offered at their company, and if not, then take initiative and persuade your managers to try and get it started.

What is a Hack?

In the context of a company hackathon, a hack is anything that provides some value to the company. This means it can take shape as either a new customer product, a technical tool, a detailed process improvement, a business plan, or even something different, so non-technical employees should certainly be involved with the hackathon. In fact, many of the most successful teams are extremely cross-functional, including people from all parts of the company. Think about it - no product is successful without marketing, design, engineering, sales, and more!

Why Should You Get Involved?

How Does it Help the Company?

All in all, a company hackathon is a great way to spend a couple of days doing something different. And, be confident! Our team, comprised only of interns, went on to clinch Runner’s Up for the Best Consumer Product Prize at our hackathon, and we didn’t have a single specialty front end engineer. Anyone can win if they put in the time and effort with a well balanced team.